Tuesday 31 January 2012

Thirty One

Today we returned to our mothers group after 6 months of being busy on a Tuesday. Having not seen your little friends for such a long time it was incredible to watch you all running around playing together, last time we saw them there was only one or two walking and now they are all running! It took my breath away. As well as being breathless there was a great sense of sadness as we had not returned since on of the Mum's passed away earlier in the year, she was only 22 and she had a daughter the same age as you (12 months) She was such a great friend to me and you loved her dearly... and it wasn't the same without her. It breaks my heart that her daughter now has to grow up without her mum. You never know what life has in store for you, her passing taught me to be grateful for every moment as you never know what the future has in store for you.
Love you Baby boy.
Love Mama
x x

Monday 30 January 2012


Every week I take you to visit my Grandparents. They have made me who I am today. I love them with all of my heart and I am so lucky to have them in my life. Although they are become quite old and frail and I know they will not be around forever so I am grateful they are part of your life too. Some of my best childhood memories are with my nan and pa and to see the excitement on your face when we pull up in their driveway brings me great joy. Today I wanted to capture a picture with you and pa looking at the tomato plants together, it was a beautiful sight but by the time I grabbed the camera the moment had passed. It is difficult to capture a nice photo of you with pa as its hard to keep you still and he often looks quite unwell. Even if I never manage to capture a photo of the both of you I will always keep the memories safe in my heart.
Love Mama
x x

Sunday 29 January 2012

Twenty Nine

Today we had your cousin's 3rd Birthday party. You had the time of your life! It was so beautiful to watch you run around and have a chance to play with the bigger kids, you have always been to small to run around with them until now. Watching you play brought just as much happiness to me as what playing did for you.
Love Mama
x x

Saturday 28 January 2012

Twenty Eight

Oh poor baby,
Although today's picture breaks my heart seeing the sadness in your face I feel slightly proud behind the reasoning why you are so upset... It was once again way to hot to play outside today and all you wanted to do was go out. I am proud that I have begun to raise a child that is far happier to go and explore the world outside than stay inside all day. I hope this desire to be in the great outdoors stays with you into and beyond your teenage years.
Love Mama
x x

Friday 27 January 2012

Twenty Seven

Oh my little peanut butter baby face, how I love thee.
Today we had our first attempt at teaching you to use the toilet. I'm not going to lie, it failed epically. There was poop everywhere by the end. After attempting to sit you on the toilet you ran away and pooped on the carpet so I popped you in the bath to clean you up and you pooped in the bath, I took you out to clean the bath and you pooped on the bathroom floor (not to mention earlier in the day I let you run free outside and you pooped on the back deck..) although it was not a pleasant experience it was still pretty funny, and now I have a funny story to tell for years to come.
Love Mama
x x

Thursday 26 January 2012

Twenty Six

Today was Australia Day- my favourite day of the year and I think today it may have become your favourite day too! We spent the day dancing to triple J's hottest 100, playing cricket and swimming you had so much fun! I have never seen you so happy!! There was so much going on today and I barely got the chance to take your photo. This is you and your uncle Dempy hanging out poolside. He is one of my most favourite people in the whole wide world and I am glad he is such a good uncle to you.
I love you my little Aussie.
Love Mama
x x

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Twenty Five

Little Man, Look at that concentration! I watched you today for at least fifteen minutes fill the swimming pool with sand and the sandpit with water, cup by cup at a time. It was fascinating to watch. Im not quite sure what it was exactly you were trying to achieve but as I was watching you I was thinking to myself; this boy is going to be a hard worker one day, he has such determination. Although I took you inside before you had had enough there was more than enough sand remaining in the pool. I could watch you all day long.
Love Mama
x x

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Twenty Four

Baby boy,
You find everything so interesting and I find this fascinating to watch. Today whilst we were out playing you had some grass stuck in-between your toes I would have pulled it out, thrown it away and not thought twice about it, but you my dear, you carefully pulled it out extra careful as to not break it, studied it for quite sometime before throwing it away and laughing cheerfully about what you had just discovered. You are so inquisitive, moments like this remind me just how exiting and new the whole world is to you. Sometimes I forget this.
Love Mama
x x

Monday 23 January 2012

Twenty three

yes pumpkin, we play outside lots, we spend lots of time in the garden, you get (very) dirty and I often see you taste the dirt and don't stop you. You are a child, you are learning and if learning means you will get dirty, so be it. I don't care what anyone says because you are having fun, you are learning to grow your own produce you are learning where your food comes from and that it comes from the ground and not from a packet or a fast food drive through. You my son, are very lucky.
Love Mama
x x

twenty two

Some of my fondest childhood memories include a backyard swimming pool and a hose, we are so lucky to live in such an amazing country (Australia) where this is the norm. There have been a few years recently when I thought my children would never get the opportunity to run under the sprinkler or create memories that so many Australians look back on their childhood and remember these things, its part of the essence of our country, so I truly feel blessed that you have been given the chance to create these memories. We are so lucky to live in such an amazing country and I hope you can grow to appreciate our culture and heritage.
Love Mama
 x x

Saturday 21 January 2012

Twenty one

Where did my baby go!? That sweet little baby has very quickly turned into a sweet smelling, totally rocking little boy! I Love the little person you are becoming, the personality that is developing more and more each day. You have such attitude and spunk. You look exactly like your Dad but that personality is very close to mine!! Never lose the fire in your belly pumpkin, that fire will be the thing that will lead you to great things. It will drive you to succeed. It will drive you to chase your dreams. People call it stubbornness, but its not, its knowing what you want. Don't ever change.
Love Mama
x x


You are the the happiest person I know, the smallest little things bring you the greatest joy. You always remind me to appreciate the small things, or make me notice things that I would other wise not pay a second thought to. Everyday with you is like experiencing things for the first time all over again. Its magical.
Love mama
x x


I must admit I had little faith in myself when beginning this project that I would be still on track nineteen days in, So tonight when you were all ready to go to bed and I realised I had not yet taken your photo I very quickly grabbed the camera and snapped away. This was more than likely the stillest you stayed for the entire day. I love bedtime at our house, we have the routine sorted down to a key and after hassles we have had in the past I now appreciate that we both know exactly when its bedtime and there is no fight about it. I hope it stays this way!
love mama

Wednesday 18 January 2012


Your smile is infectious. You are such a cheeky little person. You walk around with your hands behind your back with a cheeky grin across your face which always makes me smile back. You light up my days with that smile. Baby boy, I hope you always smile often. When you grow up and the world seems tough, don't forget to smile, it will help make the tough times easier. I promise you, there will always be something to smile about. And never forget how much I love you.
Love Mama
x x

Tuesday 17 January 2012


Baby, When I was pregnant with you I would half jokingly say to people "well, I'd better get used to having mashed banana on everything I own..." I was yet to realise the full extent of this sentence. With you being "Mr. Independent" you will not let me hand feed you so I have no choice but to sit back and watch you create an almighty mess. I do take great pleasure in watching you explore the textures of things in between your fingers and the overwhelming pride I see on your face when the spoon makes it to your mouth without the food running down your belly before it gets there. It has been such an amazing journey watching you grow and learn about foods and flavours and textures, mess and all.
Love Mama
x x

Monday 16 January 2012


I tried so hard to find a teddy that you would love, that would be your friend and go on magical adventures with you. I tried so many different shapes, sizes, textures and they all got thrown on the floor and forgotten. I just wanted you to find something to cuddle at night to remind you that you are safe. I had finally given up on the idea when you started to warm to teddy. I admit I wasnt very creative with the name but I had tried so hard before I didnt see the point in putting lots of creativity into naming a bear who would be forgotten in a few weeks time. I am pleased to say you are proving me wrong. You and teddy have begun a bond that I hope will teach you to nurture things. You have tea parties and you put him in the wagon on the back of your bike and when I tuck you into bed at night and you are cuddling that bear so tight I think he might explode I smile inside because I know you are safe from the monsters under the bed because you have teddy by your side to scare them away.
I Love you baby boy, I love you teddy.
Love Mama
x x


Oh my. You are growing up so fast. I over heard you chattering away to yourself today, I snooped my head around to find you playing happily by yourself, sorting through the play food and tipping pretend water from cup to cup. My baby is not so baby-like anymore.. I still love you more than ever.
Love Mama
x x


Little man,
You are finally getting better. Today you patiently lay on the bed while I sorted through my wardrobe. With my back turned I heard a squeeky little "oooooohhh petty (pretty)" coming from behind me, I turned to see you sitting up looking very exited wearing a whole heap of necklaces. I love that you impersonate me, although your Dad isnt too impressed. I think its beautiful. Love you baby.
Love Mama
x x


my poor darling,
you have not been feeling well at all for the last few days. Your temp has made it up to 40.0 degrees, the doctors keep telling me you are ok but they can't actually tell me why your temp is so high. We went outside for some fresh air. You weren't even overly impressed about playing on the awesome slide. Poor baby, its awful seeing you so unwell. I do appreciate having a cuddly baby though I wish it wasn't because you were sick.
love mama
x x

Thursday 12 January 2012


My beautiful little boy,
Today you were sent home from creche for being unwell, you were as bright as a button as soon as I got you home. We played for hours outside and had so much fun, today was far more exiting than being at work. In  a perfect world we could stay home and play together everyday, but I have to keep reminding myself that I am building us a better future. I know one day you will understand.
love Mama
x x

Wednesday 11 January 2012


Look at those big brown eyes! you know bath time is almost over and I am about to get you out... your least favourite part of the day you would splash around in there all day if I would let you. I feel like the meanest person in the world when its time to get you out, you scurry to the other end of the bath and shout noooo!!! at least your not stinky I guess. I get the feeling you are going to hate me for this photo when you get older. I will apologise in advance, it was almost the only time all day you would sit still for even a second. I will keep this picture safe from you until I meet your first girlfriend, then I will get it out again.. teeheehee....
Love Mama
 x x

Tuesday 10 January 2012


My precious baby boy,
Today I caught you trying to climb into your cot, I realised that my precious little baby that used to be far too little for such a big bed will soon be graduating from your cot into a big bed. I hate being reminded of how fast you are growing, life does indeed fly by in seconds. You will always be a baby in my heart pumpkin.
love mama
x x

Monday 9 January 2012


Today you me and Dad went outside and played in the garden for a little while, you had great fun playing in the vege patch, it was quite windy and every time a gust of wind would come along the corn leaves would tickle your nose. You would screw it up and make a cute little sniffy noise and a little giggle that would last until the next gust of wind would return.
Love Mama

x x

Sunday 8 January 2012


We went out into the garden today, while I was trying to encourage you to water the veges in the garden all you wanted to do was drink the water in the watering can and splash the puddles left over from the rain. You love water so much its possibly one of your most favourite things. You waddle up to us struggling to carry a full drink bottle and look up at us with those big brown eyes and say “more peessss” (which is your term for water please) I hope this love for water stays with you for life.
 love mama
x x

Saturday 7 January 2012


Ahhhh, my two boys, you two are my every thing, the sun shines brighter when I am with you. I love seeing how much love you two have for each other, how exited you get when he arrives home from work, how much fun you have together. I love this photo. You look so content. I hope you always have a strong bond with your Dad, and if you grew up to be a man even nearly as strong as loving as your Dad you would make me one proud lady.
 x x  

Friday 6 January 2012

Just a little somethin somethin from the last few weeks of 2011...


My little peanut butter addict. You love it! what can I say kid, you have good taste! Most mornings you help me make your morning toast, this morning you decided to skip the toast and eat the peanut butter straight out of the jar. I was left with cozy, warm peanut smelling cuddles for the rest of the morning. Delicious heaven :)
love you always,
Love Mama
x x


You as so desperate to be independent and I am so desperate to keep you as my baby for as long as possible. I am using your will to grow up to teach you important life skills like brushing your teeth and I have had a few sneaky attempts to teach you to sweep the floor... you need some practice.... maybe a bit more than some practice make that lots of practice.
love mama
x x

Wednesday 4 January 2012


My sweet boy, 
You have become such great company. I really enjoy our time together, You are becoming a better conversationist and we chat for hours, you babbling along and nodding yes or no when I ask you questions. We spend lots of time me tickling you and you blowing raspberries on me in return. Many many times we have both laughed so much it has brought tears to my eyes.  Today I asked if I could have one of the 8 toothbrushes Dad brought for you today and you replied in your adorable little voice... "Noooo"followed by a cheeky grin and a burst of laughter. I could have bottled that feeling and held on to it forever, moments like these I want to hold on to forever. 
Love Mama 
x x 

Tuesday 3 January 2012


Oh My pumpkin. You are going to give me grey hair far before my time. You and that bike!!
A few days ago you were hanging out with your Dad when he turned his back for a moment you attempted to ride your bike down the back steps. You ended up up a big graze on your face. Everyone said to me "he won't do that again" but I know you better, "of course he will" I told them. I was right.
Tonight I caught you trying to ride that thing down the back steps again (luckily this time you were further away from the side of the house and your landing was on the grass rather than more steps) When you successfully made it down the steps forwards you decided you could do better and attempted to ride down them backwards. I'm going to be honest, I was rather impressed when you managed to pull it off. You are going to be one hell of a teenager boy. I shudder to think about it!!
love you baby,
x x

Monday 2 January 2012


Its so hot. We have barely left the house for the past 3 days as its been close to 40 degrees, apparently it will be hot again tomorrow. I am starting to feel stir crazy from being stuck inside but you seem to be handling it rather well. icy poles and an air-conditioner are giving us lots of relief. I really want to take you swimming but its just too hot to go outside. You love swimming so much, its so nice to see how much joy you get from jumping into a big blue swimming pool. Sorry baby, today you will have to settle for blue icy drinks. But you love them lots too.
Love Mama
x x

Sunday 1 January 2012


Today was so hot. we were stuck in the air conditioned comfort of our house for most of the day, although frustrating we should be grateful we even have air con. This picture was taking whilst waiting by the window for Daddy to get home from the supermarket. Such love. 
Love Mama
x x